Wendy Lerman Blog

An addendum to the website http://www.wendylerman.com

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I don't have much to report. I saw my surgeon (Beth)last month as a follow-up on the lump I feel near my armpit region. She was willing to biopsy it on the spot if that would give me peace of mind but really doesn't feel concerned. Biopsying this would open a can of worms because it is on the same side as my Lymphedema and would make matters worse if done unnessesarily (spelling??). I decided to once again wait it out a little longer since I am due to follow up with my oncologist in the coming weeks. This Monday is my CT day. I know the drill and the feelings surrounding this day are very familiar. Once I finish this post I will bury them until Sunday night. I have way too much going on right now anyway so my mind is already distracted.
Love and light,

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