Wendy Lerman Blog

An addendum to the website http://www.wendylerman.com

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Navigating out from the Rabbit Hole

A Rabbit Hole (RH) can open below us at any moment during the day, or you may even wake up in one. Come on, did you ever have something happen first thing in the morning and say to yourself “Darn, I sure hope this is not indicative of the day I’m about to have!” And yes, your entire day does get worse and worse, and worse until the moment arrives where you transition into a fight or flight mode that eventually depletes all your energy. Then what are we left with? We have no fight left. We have no flight left either. All we are left with is that very familiar feeling of mourning, though we don’t recognize it as such. And that is the problem. Let me break down a few scenarios-

Whether you woke up in a RH, or tripped into one first thing in the morning, choose one:

A> I hope my day gets better!
B> I hope my day doesn’t get worse/my day cannot possibly get any worse!

If you chose B>, stop here! Your day is going to suck right up until the point where you have to go to bed from mental exhaustion or hide under the covers because you don’t have the physical energy to fight or run either. I chose B> today. Instead of hoping my day got better, I hoped that it didn’t continue to get worse-so of course it got worse. I was supposed to state my intention in the positive “hope it gets better”.

If you chose A>, good job but don’t stop here. Now you must: Acknowledge your fall and make the choice to uncover the pieces.

Take this time for you. This is your “Me Time”. Pamper your body, mind, spirit and soul— whichever way works for you. And if you don’t know by now which ways do work for you, then that is where you start! Where do you go to retrieve inspiration/rejuvenation? Or what activities do you do to get this feeling? If you don’t know, then it’s time to explore, try and experience new things. You’re looking for something that puts you in a creative type of mindset, that you enjoy, where the only thing you feel is serene and “In the Moment”. And no, I am not talking about things such as retail therapy or having a few drinks to drown it out. There are many things we do to either force ourselves into a better state of mind or drown out/avoid doing the work. These methods, while sometimes useful, only serve as a temporary fix.

What many don’t seem to grasp is that every single life lesson is a complex and fairly lengthy process. You don’t just go through a period of time that makes you feel bad inside and then just get over it. We are supposed to take every significant bad or noticeably negative experience and find our own meaning from it—because there is one. There is a reason. And a little hint to you all-it’s not about whatever it is that happened where you found yourself in “that place”, so stop thinking about the incident or confrontation or tragedy….and focus on how it made you FEEL—then—begin to dig into yourself and revisit the pains from your past.

To do this, find what way works for you. Whether it’s writing down the memories to self-analyze, utilizing music to trigger past memories or talking to someone who’s trained to recognize the defining moments you’ve missed along the way. We must FEEL to Heal.

Always remember, this is hard work but it also requires “Me Time”. And also remember, the answers always appear—in time—and, out of nowhere. You’ll need to be in the moment— via “MeTime”—so that all your senses are open—and with a clear mind to pay attention to what is within and around you, all the while, allowing your emotions and instincts to be your guide. It's a journey within your journey.

Wishing a safe journey to you all~



posted by Unknown @ 1:09 PM


At March 03, 2011 2:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love Love Love what you say!

B Present in your life.


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