Sometimes we have a nagging feeling but choose to ignore it. In tha past I've been guilty of ignoring it often, but after much practice I am getting much better at trusting my instincts and paying attention to my "Nag".
Peter has been in Cabo San Lucas for a week now with family and I opted not to go. As eager as I am to experience this gorgeous place in our world, my "Nag" told me I should decline this time around. The problem with me is that I am still working on my patience and with trusting that I was having these nagging feelings for a reason and would have to accept the fact that I may not know why for many months. Everything happens for a reason that is discovered in hindsight. And if you don't discover the reason, it's because you didn't do the work to find it. All the answers are here, either within you or around you. You have a choice to learn or not and it's called free will. But just know that if you choose not to learn it this time, there will be more.
I am happy to report that I didn't have to wait long at all. This week has been challenging and extremely rewarding in regards to my quest. I've gotten more writing done this week alone than I normally would in a months time. I have also developed some contacts with like-minded individuals and as excited as I was before, it has now multiplied. Just this week I received an e-mail from an old and dear friend who I have lost touch with. She wanted to meet with me to see if I had any insight for her as she was at a crossroad in her life. What prompted her to seek me out was a posting of mine she had read on a networking site. I was thrilled because we go way back to sharing "ABC" gum. Gross! I know:-) Her name is also Wendy. From the moment she arrived until the moment she left I was floored at how similar we think. I knew things she was going to say before they came out of her mouth. She was here for almost 6 hrs and we talked continuously. It became clear to me after the first 5 minutes that we will be collaborating our efforts in the near future for a common goal which I believe is crucial for humankind. At first I couldn't understand how we could have lost touch but the answer came a short time later while I was alone in my thoughts while writing. Sorry, but I will elabprate on this in my book:-)
I can't explain the urgency (for lack of a better word) I have been feeling in having to be heard. Sometimes I feel like I am privy to some insight and knowledge that I must share. This week while reseaching and digging around I discover that I am not as alone as I originally thought. This thrills me more than words can describe because it is now clear to me that I have more work cut out for me, but that I need to find ways for us to collaborate our efforts.
Love and light,
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