Wendy Lerman Blog

An addendum to the website http://www.wendylerman.com

Thursday, November 08, 2007


It just occured to me that I never posted my results and updates from my doctor's visits. My Neurologist sent me for an MRI of the brain and it came back normal. I may have posted this part already.

I went to see a new Endocrinologist and she ordered the usual bloodwork but added another test for some anitibody which tells you if you're prone to Thyroid imbalances. This doctor was a fellow so at the end of the visit she would call in the doctor who oversees her findings. I liked both doctors very much and I think I communicated effectively that I am suffering and will find someone who can help me if they were unable.

The main doc actually surprised me when she suggested that I start on very low dose Synthroid even if my bloodwork comes out normal. This is huge because there are so few doctors that would even consider this! They gave me a RX and the next day called to say the routine bloodwork was normal and the antibody was not back yet. I can start taking the meds and follow up with them in January when I am back to have my bone density test. One thing they mentioned is that the blood test can vary depending on what time of day it's given. I never knew that. While going over my symptoms she commented that I have what sounds like a classic textbook case of Hypothyroidism. It's so odd how my bloodwork is normal yet I have every single symptom! I am baffled. But I am so happy that they are willing to work with me and give these meds a try.

I have my CT scan at the end of the month and follow up with the Oncologist for results the first week of December.

My dog is pouting for some affection so until next time~

posted by Unknown @ 9:05 PM


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