Bad news but good!
I can't believe how happy I feel to share that they found something wrong with me. I just got my mail and my results from the TPO AB test came in. This is the antibody test that was still pending.
The normal range is from 0.0 to 20.0 and my levels are at 3,794.0
These elevated levels indicate that there is some degree of inflammation of my thyroid gland. Some people may not show signs until the routine thyroid tests become abnormal but some do, like me. I am a very sensitive person. I know the doctors were a little leary giving me the meds at first but the letter states that as a result of this test they feel it is very appropriate to take the meds as planned. Also included in the letter was precriptions for 2 other meds that I need to begin.
So while I hate the idea of having to take meds on a daily basis I am thrilled to know that my body does talk to me, knows when something is wrong and it's not all in my head! There's nothing worse than doubting yourself!!!!!!!!
This morning started out with an early morning (playdown) hockey game at the New England Sports Center in Marlborough. Justin plays for Nashoba and they versed Framingham, who by the way is a very dirty team. I was very pleased with the refs because they caught many of Framingham's penalites. These are the types of games that drive my adrenaline through the roof because I truly fear for our players getting seriously injured from a dirty hit. From listening to the parents of the other team they encourage this behavior (anything to win). Play smart they would yell (mostly moms) and that can be translated into -hit as dirty as you can but be careful not to get caught. It took all my strength not to throw one of the moms over the balcony onto the ice. Usually I don't mind of we lose all long as the boys play the best they can but the other parents were such arrogant as**s that I never wanted us to win more! And we DID WIN by one goal! Justin scored from the blue line!! This is how my day began and my day continues to be fantastic!
That's all for now.
Love and light~
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